Texture Changer with Materials
Multi-level menu theme texture change, for furniture. It can be integrated with AVsitter (and other scripts that support linked messages, like MLP).
Very easy to use theme creator auxiliary tool, included.
IMPORTANT: This version DOES support materials. All parameters under normal, specular and alpha ARE supported. There's a non-materials version, under related items.
If you don't know what do we mean when we talk about "materials" in SL, check this article from the Knowledge Base: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Materials-Normal-and-Specular-Mapping/ta-p/2034625
Very easy to use theme creator auxiliary tool, included.
IMPORTANT: This version DOES support materials. All parameters under normal, specular and alpha ARE supported. There's a non-materials version, under related items.
If you don't know what do we mean when we talk about "materials" in SL, check this article from the Knowledge Base: https://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Materials-Normal-and-Specular-Mapping/ta-p/2034625
Classified under: Scripts, Home and Garden
This product was released on 19/02/2015 at 20:00:00