Black Tulip: Products

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[Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Lamp

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Lamp
8 baked textures sets for the [Black Tulip] Entrance #1 - Lamp mesh item of the [Black Tulip] Mesh - Entrance Set #1 set. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Lamp]

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This product was released on 19/05/2018 at 17:00:00

[Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Mirror

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Mirror
8 baked textures sets for the [Black Tulip] Entrance #1 - Mirror mesh item of the [Black Tulip] Mesh - Entrance Set #1 set. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Mirror]

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This product was released on 19/05/2018 at 17:00:00

[Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Tray with Candles

Second Life, L$ 275
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Tray with Candles
8 baked textures sets for the [Black Tulip] Entrance #1 - Tray with Candles mesh item of the [Black Tulip] Mesh - Entrance Set #1 set. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Textures - Entrance Kit #1 - Tray with Candles]

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This product was released on 19/05/2018 at 17:00:00

[Black Tulip] Script - Lamps v2 LITE

Second Life, L$ 750
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Script - Lamps v2 LITE
This lite version allows the following functionality in a single script:

- Change color, transparency, glow, full bright, and SL light point options of your lamp(s) depending on its state
- Lamp may cycle from on/off to min/med/max/off states
- Light cycle can be played through an independent face (example: turn on a light bulb by clicking outside the lamp)
- Lamp can play an on/off sound when turned on/off
- Menu can be launched by other scripts like AVsitter
- Lamp can change its state through other script (for example, a custom home management system)
- Lamp sends information to other scripts about the current state
- ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Script - Lamps v2 LITE]

Classified under: Scripts
This product was released on 11/05/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Sconce #3

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Sconce #3

- 1 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Set with materials

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2
Approximate LI: 1.3 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Sconce #3]

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This product was released on 11/05/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Steampunk Photoframe

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Steampunk Photoframe

- 1 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Set with materials

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 7 (holds SIX 1:1 photos)
Approximate LI: 3.2 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Steampunk Photoframe]

Classified under:
This product was released on 04/05/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] HG - Art Deco Photo Frame and The Giraffes

Second Life, L$ 125
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] HG - Art Deco Photo Frame and The Giraffes
Original mesh.

LI Photoframe: 1
LI Giraffes: 2 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] HG - Art Deco Photo Frame and The Giraffes]

Classified under:
This product was released on 03/05/2018 at 00:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Books Holders #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Books Holders #1

- 4 Full Permissions Mesh Objects
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 1 - 3 (Complete)
Approximate LI: 0.5 each ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Books Holders #1]

Classified under:
This product was released on 27/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Seat #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Seat #1

- 2 Full Permissions Mesh Objects
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Sets (2 colors)

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 1 - 2
Approximate LI: Between 0.6 and 0.8 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Seat #1]

Classified under:
This product was released on 27/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Words #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Words #1

- 4 Full Permissions Mesh Objects
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 1 each
Approximate LI: Between 0.5 and 1.7 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Words #1]

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This product was released on 27/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Plants #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Plants #1

- 2 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Textures set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2 each
Approximate LI: 0.7 each ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Plants #1]

Classified under:
This product was released on 06/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Poses - Bright Day

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Poses - Bright Day
Five poses and corresponding mirrored ones. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Poses - Bright Day]

Classified under:
This product was released on 03/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] HG - The Color Chest of Drawers

Second Life, L$ 75
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] HG - The Color Chest of Drawers
Decorative chest of drawers - LI: 1 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] HG - The Color Chest of Drawers]

Classified under:
This product was released on 03/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Poses - Facials - Shy #1 (Bento)

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Poses - Facials - Shy #1 (Bento)
HUD with five facial expressions - Shy
Bento viewer required ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Poses - Facials - Shy #1 (Bento)]

Classified under: Poses for Photography
This product was released on 01/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Poses - Headshots #2 (Bento)

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Poses - Headshots #2 (Bento)
Five poses and corresponding mirrors.
Five additional facial expressions to mix and match on top of them.
Bento viewer required. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Poses - Headshots #2 (Bento)]

Classified under: Poses for Photography
This product was released on 01/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Poses - Pose Up! (Bento)

Second Life, L$ 175
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Poses - Pose Up! (Bento)
Five poses and corresponding mirrored ones.

IMPORTANT: Bento viewer enabled REQUIRED.
The poses are enhanced by using Bento hands. In any case, a Bento viewer is required or the poses won't be seen. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Poses - Pose Up! (Bento)]

Classified under: Poses for Photography
This product was released on 01/04/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Console Table #7 + Plant

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Console Table #7 + Plant

- 2 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Plant textures included, console textures NOT included

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2 each
Approximate LI: 0.5 (plant), 1 (console) ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Console Table #7 + Plant]

Classified under:
This product was released on 23/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Textures - Console Table #7

Second Life, L$ 275
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Textures - Console Table #7
8 baked textures sets for the Console Table #7 mesh item. Material textures (normal and specular maps) are also included. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Textures - Console Table #7]

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This product was released on 23/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #6

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #6

- 1 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts

Textures *NOT* included

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 4
Approximate LI: 1.5 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #6]

Classified under:
This product was released on 23/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Textures - Floor Lamp #6

Second Life, L$ 275
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Textures - Floor Lamp #6
8 baked textures sets for the Floor Lamp #6 mesh item. Material textures (normal and specular maps) are also included. ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Textures - Floor Lamp #6]

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This product was released on 23/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Plaque #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Plaque #1

- 1 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Textures Set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2
Approximate LI: 1 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wall Plaque #1]

Classified under:
This product was released on 16/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Wine Set #1

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wine Set #1

- 5 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Textures Set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2-3
Approximate LI: 1 each ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Wine Set #1]

Classified under:
This product was released on 16/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Side Table & Globe

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Side Table & Globe

- 2 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Textures Set

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 2 each
Approximate LI: 1 each ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Side Table & Globe]

Classified under:
This product was released on 09/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Props - The void reflection

Second Life, L$ 150
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Props - The void reflection
Decorative photo prop with 1 pose and mirror
LI: 5 - Original mesh, materials
Scripts are copy/No Modify/No Transfer
Bento viewer enabled for the poses ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Props - The void reflection]

Classified under: Props for Photography, Home and Garden
This product was released on 03/03/2018 at 12:00:00

[Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #5

Second Life, L$ 375
Avalaible at SL Marketplace: [Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #5

- 1 Full Permissions Mesh Object
- All needed AO Maps and UV Layouts
- Baked Texture Set with materials

IMPORTANT: The .dae file is NOT included!

Texturable Faces: 5
Approximate LI: 1 ...
[Click here to read more about [Black Tulip] Mesh - Floor Lamp #5]

Classified under:
This product was released on 23/02/2018 at 12:00:00
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